I thought that when we reached a base level of financial independence (living in Florida is Stage 2, where we can pay our minimum living expenses by moving to a cheaper location), I would gain more clarity about how to spend my time. I have always been money-focused – not driven to make a lot of money, but I equated money with security and had a high bar to feel [...]
Several media outlets report that people give up on new year’s resolutions by as early as mid-January. It’s the second Friday of January according to Best Life. Forbes is more optimistic but still mid-February! One of my favorite hacks for sticking to new year’s resolutions is setting monthly goals instead of annual (hat tip to educator Miho Kubagawa for introducing me to that one!). If you make 12 monthly mini-resolutions [...]
Maybe it’s turning 50 or maybe it’s the pandemic upending things, but whatever the root cause, I’ve become more introspective. I have been rethinking my perfect day (turning 50, part 1) and what that means for the next few years (turning 50, part 2). I feel like I’m ready for big changes to my business and maybe even our real estate investing, but the specifics I don’t know yet. In [...]
When the pandemic upended our travel plans, I threw myself back into work so seamlessly that I figured that’s what I would do until normalcy resumed. However, as we are well into year two of the pandemic, and things seem to be getting worse, not better, I find myself rethinking my initial assumption. If travel isn’t on the horizon for years, not just months, will I simply double down on [...]
Both Scott and I turned 50 this year. Neither of us are into celebrating birthdays, and we are still in the midst of a pandemic, so we didn’t throw a big party or anything else extraordinary. I also wasn’t anticipating a mid-life crisis or other inflection point. In fact, I felt that turning age 48 was a bigger turning point for us. In the fall of that year, we became [...]
Like others that keep a spending diary or a food diary, I keep a time diary. I have kept a time diary for over 20 years! I started doing it because I was working in the professional services field where you had to track your time to bill your clients. You also had to calculate how much of your time was billable to clients versus non-billable (and billability was an [...]
I reconnected recently with an old friend, who paid me one of the nicest compliments I have ever been given. She told me that she was out with friends and I came up in conversation. When one of them asked her what I do, she answered, “Caroline and her husband actually do the things that the rest of us just talk about doing.” Thanks Sarah – your words still make [...]
My 17-year old and I are BIG fans of Rowan Atkinson ever since stumbling on a compilation of his skits, including this hysterical bit with Atkinson in religious garb, at a lectern, retelling popular Bible stories. So I jumped on an offer of two free tickets to the New York premiere of Johnny English Strikes Again. The screening was at the AMC near Lincoln Center. We had scored reserved tickets [...]
Scott recently ran the Maine Marathon in Portland on a Sunday so we turned the trip into a four-day, couples-only weekend (a perk of the FIRE lifestyle!). We both love the water, and Maine has plenty of that, so we planned our pre-marathon Saturday around different water views – The Giant’s Stairs on Bailey Island, Two Lights State Park. By the end of the day, Scott had already taken over [...]
Flexibility to accommodate mid-week movies is one of my favorite perks of the FIRE lifestyle. This past Tuesday, I took my youngest daughter to an advance screening of “Crazy Rich Asians”, including an Asian-American business pre-show talk, by Nielsen, and an Asian food-themed after-party. A few years earlier, I took my oldest daughter to an advance screening of “Today’s Special” including a talkback with the movie’s star and creator, Aasif [...]