Real Estate

We Sold Our House In Costa Rica – Making Big Financial Decisions When You And Your Spouse Disagree

– Posted in: Real Estate
woman looking at houses on a laptop

Last month we closed on the sale of Casa Salita, the second property we purchased in Costa Rica. Though we bought it only in December 2017 (just over four years ago), we started thinking about selling it in the midst of the pandemic because we weren’t sure where rentals were heading, and the market for selling Costa Rica real estate was hot. However, we didn’t put the home on the [...]

Our Rental Properties Had Babies – 1 of 10 Reasons We Love Real Estate

– Posted in: Real Estate
baby girl wearing a bowl as a helmet

A recent Twitter conversation reminded us about how we often refer to our rental properties birthing babies, when we tap the equity in them to buy more houses. We used a cash-out refinance of our two North Carolina rentals to buy our condo in Costa Rica. Essentially, our Asheville places birthed Condo Boom. You can also access your property’s equity with a home equity line of credit. We used a [...]

Seven Steps To Buying A House In Costa Rica

– Posted in: Real Estate
house with palm trees in front

Wondering how should one start if I am looking to buy a single family in Costa Rica. I have been there a couple of years back and would look to have a place that we can use when travel and then rest of the time can use as vacation rentals. – Sushil We are not financial advisors or real estate agents, so we don’t give advice. However, we have written [...]

Private Lending v. Rentals – What Is The Better Real Estate Investment?

– Posted in: Real Estate
woman handing over money and signing a piece of paper

I live in Costa Rica also and I read a few of your articles.  I was wondering, Instead of investing in Costa Rica real estate, Why not become private hard money lenders yourselves?  That is what I do and it is pretty much a no-lose deal if you do it right.  Any reason why you prefer Real estate?- Dan We actually are private lenders, but only on deals in the [...]

Reader Question: How To Determine The Value Of A Home When There Is No MLS Data For Comps

– Posted in: Real Estate
paper with charts and graphs

How are you determining (without MLS in CR) the value of the home?  They ask for $400K just because they believe it is worth that price point.  Most don't seem to have a P&L to back ROI. – Dom Yes, it’s true that there is no MLS, or Multiple Listing Service, in Costa Rica, so there isn’t a one-stop information site to learn at what prices properties sold for, what [...]

The Costa Rica real estate market is hot – Should We Sell?

– Posted in: Real Estate
house with palm trees in front

The numbers are in for 2020, and despite Costa Rica borders being closed from March through November, we were able to eke out a small profit across our three properties. We attribute this to one major factor – owning all three properties outright, with no mortgage to cover. When you don’t have a monthly mortgage (or 3, since we own 3 properties), you don’t need much income to break-even. In [...]

Best Places To Retire 2021 – We Have #1, #8 and #13

– Posted in: Real Estate

We own rentals in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, Asheville, NC and Jacksonville, FL. For 2021, Costa Rica was named the number 1 best place to retire by International Living. In a US News survey of best place to retire in the US, Asheville, NC was number 8 and Jacksonville, FL was number 13. It’s no coincidence that we own real estate in top retirement destinations – that’s one of the factors [...]

Boom, Salita, Reeves — How We Named Our Vacation Real Estate Properties

– Posted in: Real Estate
house with palm trees in front

We don’t name all of our real estate – only the vacation properties, not the long-term rentals. All three of our Costa Rican units have names: Condo Boom, Casa Salita and Condo Reeves. From a practical perspective, we figured the names would help with marketing the properties. Having a name would make the property searchable on a vocational rental platform like AirBNB, without divulging the address. The names could also [...]

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